Luxury for body, heart and soul
In our modern toasty and cosy sauna paradise you’ll find healthiness and vitality within a new and very exclusive ambience.
Here you will find:
- A Finnish sauna is the classical kind of sauna: hot and dry. With an air temperatur of 80 -95°C and a humidity of about 10-15% it supports the clearance of toxins from the body and stimulates the circulation.
- A steam sauna (also steam bath or Turkish bath) with a humid indoor climate ( warm water steam is supplied) and a temperature between 45 – 55°C is ideal to cleanse the skin and the respiration tract and has a stimulating effect to circulation and constitution.
- A sanarium equals a bio sauna. For whom the classical Finnish sauna is too hot and too dry or a steam bath too humid – for that one the sanarium is the ideal alternative. At a temperature of roughly 60°C and a controlled humidity of about 55% it cares for the skin and purges.
- Under the adventure shower you can vitalize your circulation afterwards and relax between the sauna sessions in the foot basins for alternating baths.
- We provide an extraordinary outdoor area with a balcony hidden from view around the sauna world where you can cool your respiration tract after the warming period and breathe fresh air.
- In the recreation room you find recovery and relaxation at a comfortable room temperature between the sessions. Post heating in the rest room is very important as you can stay there until the heart beat has regained the normal rate.
“Strength lies in calmness:”
A wise saying that gains more and more importance in our nervous world.
Use the opportunity to regain your calmness.